Facts About Cancer

Facts vs. Fiction

"We do not cure cancer. It cures
us by reconnecting us
with the greater
design for our life."

- Marian Jamison, author of eBooks called
The Quantum Soulution™ Collection

Cancer is everywhere...it is in our body, our relationships, our finances, our businesses, our communities, and our nations. Why? Because we have degraded the environment we live in, which has dire consequences.

ancer cells are normal cells that have aggressively morphed into a new state to survive an unhealthy environment. Unfortunately, cancer cells act on their own behalf without regard to the entire organism, which causes both to die, in much the same way that people act on their own behalf without regard to the well-being of others, which causes cancer in our society that is killing an entire civilization. In its most aggressive state, cancer cells are akin to terrorists that do unspeakable things, including killing themselves to get what they want in the world.

The Quantum Soulution™ Collection provides a comprehensive consciousness-based educational program for meeting cancer head on in new and unexpected ways, regardless of type. However, unless you agree that cancer is a growing concern, you will not be convinced it has value.

To create a Cancer Free Society, it is necessary to dispel myths surrounding cancer so you can align with a new set of empowering beliefs that support making new and better choices for transforming what no longer serves you into what produces sustainable healing results.

To understand the pleomorphic nature of your cells, be sure to read, PLEOMORPHISM. This is probably one of the most important documents you will ever read if you or anyone you know has been affected by cancer. Once you understand what sets the stage for normal cells to change into cancer cells and how they can return to their normal state, you realize we have always known what the cause of cancer is as well as the solution. There is no need for more research…only awareness of how the human body works from the standpoint of energy and consciousness. The exciting part is, whatever it takes to prevent and/or reverse cancer in the physical body is the same process that prevents and/or reverses cancer in our society. What is effective on a micro level is also effective on a macro level. (Exploring Inner Space: the Next Major Frontier for Mankind.)

Living in a Cancer Free Society requires discernment between facts and fiction. It also requires a desire to restore quality of life. As Thriving Cultural Creatives, we pride ourselves on being critical thinkers who question the premises by which we live. By living up to our values and focusing on what is best for everyone, we naturally make better choices for gaining ascendant power over the disease process.

Our intention is to promote…Spiritual Growth, Conscious Living, and Positive Social Change, the three pillars for transforming the old into the new.

"Never underestimate the power
of the human spirit to overcome adversity."

- Marian Jamison

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